The Wedding Page!!
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Well.. It's a Done Deal, the Contract Signed, It Done Went Down!
We finally had our THIRD Date, and it was done properly!!

Mr. and Mrs. Meowser Forever

The first of two ceremonies was at Castle Douglas in Rockwall, Tx.
This being the formal of the two, was done faerie tale Elizabethan fashion in a castle... Yes, most who came were in period finery
(and looking fine, I might add ;-)
The day went something like this:

Says He:

After a fitful night's sleep on my part, I awakened Sunday morning with very little time to do the last 11 things on my 'short' list.  Batteries, aspirin, medical tape, all manner of weird odds and ends that I knew we would need (and we DID, TOO!!).

The entire contingent of the Hill clan was in town from places north, and we had spent the last 2 days completing their ensembles for both ceremonies.  Fortunately, my mother is a pretty good costumer, and had most of the herd's garb done before arriving on Friday.

I (showing what a good laddie I was) had not seen her before the wedding.  We had arranged to 'miss' each other at her apartment while I gathered all my court attire and the camera gear for the trip over to Rockwall.  Even this was incredibly rushed.  I had just learned that the flower girl had taken ill, and we had no replacement.  IMPROVISE... isn't that the term they invented for weddings?

An hour downrange and a few small mishaps later, we (my best man and myself) arrived at the truckstop near the turnoff for the castle.  As luck would have it (aided by a strategically placed cell phone call) I 'JUST' missed her pulling out of the parking lot ...
by less than 10 seconds!
(it's o.k., I didn't look)

We were to arrive at the castle no earlier than 2 o'clock.  She fudged a bit and got there about 15 minutes early.. unfortunately I did not.
I had to set up the sound system, orchestrate 3 still cameras with remotes (later...;-), and co-ordinate all the groomsman and photo activities.  Lighting and sound levels were checked, sets adjusted, orders given (and well received by eager attendants).  And, on top of all that, I had to be dressed and waiting at the altar by 3:30.  This wedding had to be in the Guiness Book of World Records as the ONLY wedding in the history of man to go off on schedule.  Our officiant (thanks Doug, you da MAN!) had to be on the road by 4:00 for another ceremony... NO time to spare.

I learned my lesson...this was WAY too much for one person to do.

Needless to say, I was still in a t-shirt and jeans 15 minutes pre-ceremony.

CRUNCH TIME!!  I had 2 people working my hair, one person throwing me boots/doublet/capelet and all other manner of
court attire, while I was wiring myself for photography (later... ;-)
I was shaving at the same time Roland (the best man) was buttoning the doublet and Paul (groomsman) was tying the legs of my slops.
And, naturally, the photographer was there too.  He did well... quite unobtrusive.

Mama Windy just finished braiding my hair, and tied the ruff in place as Doug gave us the 2 minute warning.
I pulled it together and headed for the door.  We lined up in an alcove awaiting the seating of the mothers to commence the ceremony.
And we waited... and we primped, and we waited... peering around the corner to see what the holdup was.
It seemed about 10 minutes before both mothers were seated (pretty close to that, someone's watch was wrong!)

And so, finally it commenced.  The mothers were seated. Both were beaming, each holding a lit unity candle awaiting their offspring's appearance.

We stepped into the Great Hall from an alcove at the front.  All eyes were on us.  After the groomsman were in place and settled, a small but distinct 'click' was heard from the balcony.  Very few knew what it was...

Oh yes, did I mention earlier something about wiring, and 3 camera setups?
Both Kim and I were photographing our wedding REAL-TIME from the ceremony.  I had contrived a means of remote triggering 2 of my cameras and one of hers.  I had control of two, and she of one.

My cameras were deigned 'Toenail Cam', being controlled from a switch on my right big toe.
Well.. I couldn't use anything else, my hands had to be free for the ceremony, ya know!
Hers was deigned 'Ruby Slipper' cam.  Her shoes were so tight that a switch could not be shoe horned in.  So, a magnetic switch was taped to her ankle, and a magnet to the other.  They couldn't be seen under the hoops of her court dress... PERFECT.
All she needed to do was move her ankles together, and voila'... err I mean 'CLICK'
Repeat after me... There's No Pic Like Home, There's No Pic Like Home... ;-)

The ceremony continued...

My mother handed off the unity candle and was again seated.

The ring bearer was next... Austin, my neice's son (about 2 years old), was 'helped' by his grandfather (my brother Randy) down the aisle.  He was carrying a velvet ring pillow, on which was perched a Groom Beanie Bear holding a ring chest.  This was the same bear that helped me to propose in Ireland a little over a year earlier.  He didn't quite make it to the end of the red carpet before getting a VERY worried look on his face.  Suddenly he was the center of attention of about a hundred people,and I don't think he liked it very  much.  He stopped, and tried to give the pillow to the nearest person (the photographer as it turned out).  Everyone was coaxing him on at that point (the poor photographer was trying to be invisible).  I dropped to 'kid level', and between my brother and myself, managed to get him the remaining 10 feet to my side... PHEWWwww!!

We had covered the missing flower girl's part with a couple young lady friends.
They both went gracefully down the aisle, tossing petals as they went.

Next were the Bride's Maids, lovely as expected.  They were properly escourted of course, and took their positions across from the groomsmen.

Since we are of Scottish and Irish descent, and this IS a castle, what else was there to do, but...
The next person down the aisle was the piper (thanks EJ... no one else could have done it but you).
Those pipes sounded phenomenal in the Great Hall, both thunderous and subtle at the same time.

That's when it started to get teary.

The next down the aisle was my lovely bride-to-be, escorted by my father (Ralph the Grey, attired in a real monk's robe).
I briefly noticed him, but all my attention was on her.

At this point, I must appologize for the attempt... I cannot describe how beautiful she looked, anything I say would never do her justice.  I know, all grooms believe their bride to be the most beautiful in history, but in this case the bride was absolutely STUNNING.
No princess, no queen had ever looked this radiant.
And she beamed.  This was HER day.  She soaked in every second of it.

Things got a bit tearier...
People said I was smiling from ear to ear, the grin that ATE the Cheshire cat, as it were.
I only recall being stunned, I couldn't believe this was happening, for me, for us.  Again words fail me...

She saw me for the first time since the night before... the first time in full attire.  I have to give her credit for keeping the tears at bay.
It was hard, I could see it in her face, but she managed... for a while.

They processed down the aisle, and at the end her mother gave her the other lit unity candle.  After we placed the unity candles in their holders, we returned and my father (with the blessing of the families) gave away the bride.

Here's where it gets a bit fuzzy.

The ceremony was beautiful (thank you, Doug).  We exchanged vows, too softly for many to hear.
Somehow we couldn't seem to project much when speaking heart to heart, both on the edge of tears.
The vows on both parts were not rehearsed, but couldn't have been more perfect.

Doug passed along two roses, as a point of focus.  Both beautiful and painful, petal and thorn.  Representing love, with a reminder that if love is handled frivolously, there will be a price.  Symbolic of life, and the union we were about to enter.

We exchanged rings, but with a twist.  The rings were not placed on each other as a sign of property.
For each of us, we were to give our rings freely to the other for placement on OUR fingers.  I handed my ring to her for placement on my finger, giving my consent for union.  She likewise handed me her ring, which I placed upon her finger with her consent.
We each spoke "With this ring, and with my heart and soul, I thee wed" while gazing into each other's eyes

As a symbol of completion, souls born of two families but merged into one through wedlock and love, we lit the unity candle together.
We found no other music more perfect for this than a song from Andy M. Stewart called "If I Never Spend a Morning Without You".
A decidedly moving song of duality, about love for one another and for one's homeland and roots.  It alluded to undying love, and the ability to overcome all obstacles if we hold steadfastly to it.
(Thank you, Andy... wish you could have made it to the wedding)

As it had been within the Elizabethan era, our first drink was from a chalice.  The toast was characteristically romantic, speaking of partaking of the waters from the river of life... representing all of the joys and sorrows that come from it, and how we are to help one another along our shared journey come what may.

After a brief prayer and blessing, we were pronounced to the gathering as
"Dana and Kim Hill"
New beginnings together.  I only hope that I can be all that she could ever want (and need) as a husband.

Says She:

I don't remember when I woke up.  Maybe 8:00??
I slept surprisingly well, though.  Pretty good for the happiest day of my life..
Well, that remains to be seen. I don't want to give away the plot.
At least it was most important day of my life.

I felt nervous (imagine that ;-)
The butterflies weren't too bad, though

Penny, my maid of honor, arrived at 10:30
She was a total Godsend... well controlled, organized, I wouldn't have made it without her
Unlike the spouse-to-be, we leisurely finished the 'short list'... just a few things to be packed for the trip to the castle

Breakfast time... we both went to breakfast locally.  Convenient, because he was getting his goodies at the apartment while we were gone ;-)

Crisis #1...  I found out at the breakfast table that the flower girl wasn't going to make it for the ceremony...
something about a 103 temperature.
Little did I know that plans were already being changed to accommodate.
  A little idle chit-chat later, we were in the parking lot doing inventory...
sachets, pen for the guestbook, all the non-trivial small touches that make it go smoothly.

Finally, on the road about 12:30
Rockwall was about an hour away... Penny stuck to me like a bug on a windshield..
not so much as 1 car ever got between us.
Aside from a few 'interesting' personality conflicts on the road (the Maid of Honor was run out of her lane by a Boat-Totin'-Bubba), the trip went well.

We finally arrived at the truck stop near the turn for the castle at about 1:30
On the way in for a Frappacino,  we ran into the first familiar face..
Ron, dressed in pirate finery and a smile.

All too quickly, I received a call from my sweetie/furry/love/soon-to-be-hubby to warn me he was going to hog the truckstop in about 10 minutes.
OOPS... can't be seen... time to go!!
We scooted out the door (little known to me at the time) as he pulled up.
Good thing I didn't look ;-)

It was getting close....

We made it to the castle at about 1:45... a bit early (all the better).  We were the first ones to arrive, and scampered inside.

Then the fun began... building from crowded, to frantic last minute rushes over the next hour and a half.
I had to 'wire' myself with 'Ruby Slipper Cam' for the ceremony before I could begin to get into my dress.
I was donning a dress I had not been in for about 6 months, but fortunately the person who created it was helping me into it.

Then I looked into my sweetie's eyes... oops, that's not quite yet ;-)

Mama Windy (she who did my hair), Frances (the bride's maid) and a cast of THOUSANDS
(well, it seemed that way as crowded as it was) showed up shortly thereafter.

And, of course, there was the photograper (Mark)... he blew in, whirled around the room a couple times, then blew out again.

Time flew by... I have no recollection of when we got the 30 minute warning, I just know it seemed like an instant later.

My hair wasn't done yet, and the pit crew was still installing the dress ;-)
There must have been 3 or 4 people working on me simultaneously in the center of the room
Thanks, everyone... you were all so helpful
The other bridesmaid (Frances) and attendees were also doing their own 'Flight of the BumbleBee' attempts at dressing...
all in the same place... all at the same time
The room was a madhouse!

I think about that time Doug came in for the pre-game speech, but I honestly can't remember ... it was such a blur.

Finally, all the mothers... everyone scurried off, and we were given the 2 minute warning.
Showtime.. now I became nervous (duh!)

I don't remember the next few minutes... it was time to go, and all of a sudden I was in th alcove near the entrance with his father (Ralph the Gray) to give me away
Ready to walk down the aisle (ready as I'll ever be)
Rush.. Rush.. Rush... then we waited... waited... waited
The flower ladies (thanks Mandy, Christel) went down first, then Austin (the ring bearer)
The bride's maids next...
lastly, the mothers with lit Unity candles.

Then ...

EJ our piper friend walked down the aisle first...
 Incredible pipes... they filled every corner of the Great Hall

And I was next...
Ralph the Gray at my side, steadying me down the aisle.

I remember seeing a few people
I tried to soak up every second of it, and managed to remember a few faces, but the rest went by as a blur

And then I saw him...
I don't remember seeing anything else after that... all my attention was on him, and trying not to cry
I didn't win that fight... at best it was a draw

The ceremony began, and all I saw was him
We placed the unity candles in their holders, and I returned to Ralph the Gray

The families gave their blessing, and at last I was standing with Hubby-to-Be

I moved to my mark (we had cameras set up to shoot ourselves)
 ...and tried the 'Ruby Slippers'...

The actual ceremony... I really wish it was more than a blur

Doug talked, I looked into Dana's eyes and cried, and everything was dreamy
the kind of dreamy that is warm, fuzzy, and full of memories and feelings that make you cry
a good cry... tears of joy
This is one of the very few times I cried from joy...
and the only person I ever cried from joy with

I was told later the ceremony looked beautiful from the outside...
but it felt beautiful from the inside
it still feels like a dream

We exchanged vows, far too softly for the audience's liking
I cried while telling him how I felt
I barely got the words to come out
That's alright, he heard them...
...and teared up while I spoke

Then it was his turn
He spoke of  how he felt at our engagement
I only remember the part about
'all I saw was your eyes, and nothing but love'
oops... time to cry again
then he said
 'I can't imagine how I can ever love you more than I did then, but I will learn'

Doug gave us roses, and explained how the rose is a symbol of love.
The thorns were added later, a reminder that love is not to be treated lightly
a lovely touch to the ceremony

We exchanged rings

The lighting of the unity candle to a song from Andy M. Stewart was perfect
At the end he knelt and kissed my hand
click went Ruby Slipper Cam.. the best shot of the ceremony

We helped each other to drink from a blessed chalice, with a touching history behind it

Then we go back to blursville,
until we were pronounced
"Dana and Kim Hill"

Click went Ruby Slipper Cam ;-)

"you may kiss the Bride"
Oops... we BOTH forgot to shoot... I wonder why??

EJ piped us out to cheers from the crowd

Cake was had, toasts were made, and merriment commenced for the rest of the day

And, yes the photos we took during the ceremony DID come out.  It seems that Ruby Slipper Cam outperformed Toenail Cam...
Well done Toto!!
Those shots, and more that have been shared with us, are here.

Thanks to all the friends that helped us out...
Alan, Charlotte and John, Christol, Doug, EJ, Francis, Kensho, Mandi, Parents and siblings, Paul, Penny, and the Texas Musketeers
We couldn't have pulled it off without you

And thanks to the many who donated all the lovely photos and video from our special events, both at the castle and at Scarborough...
Barb, D, Darrel, Greg, Kensho, Mark, Noni, Parental Units, Paul, Randy, Ricky, ... sorry if we forgot any of you
Despite having cameras, we were elsewise occupied for most of the shots and deeply appreciate your generosity

Round 2

The second ceremony was at Scarborough Faire , our home faire.
It also was performed by the good Lord High Mayor Jamison Rooke
This story is to follow from both perspectives, as time permits.

In the mean time, we have a few shots here to offer
from both our HandFasting at Scarborough and the wedding at Castle Douglas.

In case you haven't seen it yet, there is a page of pics from our engagement in Ireland here.
There is also a story that goes with it here.

And finally, shots from our honeymoon are here ...

well... BE THAT WAY, THEN!!!  Hmmph!
